Tuesday, December 7, 2021

A new day (and a new recording!)

Today i decided to finish the other half of my storyboard. It was a bit tough, but i ended up making it through with the time i had. It actually started raining hard, so that was a big knot in my overall recording. I ended up thinking a bit more about what i was gonna do next and how i was gonna do it. Some of the things i wanted to do may not have taken a lot of time to plan for others... but it did for me. Nevertheless, i still got most of it done. I decided to focus on a new medium of transport though, walking! My bike was having trouble... I ended up having to resort to something else to show for it. It looked kind of lazy at first, though, so i decided to make it more engaging and insightful by finding things, picking up things, that sort of thing. It ended up working relatively well, so i decided to keep at it. It looked good, this wasn't meant to be your typical music video anyway... It was more like an experimental one. I liked it, though! After most of the recording i had to make one big decision. I should have planned this earlier though.. Where exactly was my endpoint? I figured it should be simple to symbolize the whole 'journey is more than the destination' thing. I opted for a simple store! It was also a bit ironic, which helped the overall humor and lightheartedness of it all. All of that effort for a store? Is what i wanted everyone to think. Then they understand the symbolism of actually getting there. That's my overall goal with this. I think it's safe to say that i'm finally reaching a closing point for my video!

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WIllow's Walk: The Film

Here it is! I had so much fun making this film and I hope to have more opportunities to do this in the future!