Monday, October 11, 2021

Is sprite hiring editors?

Today marked the official first day of editing. At first, i didn't know how to approach it. I figured since i was experienced with it, it would be easy. Not quite. It was hard to put everything together considering all of the shots i made. It was also very long... I had a minute of content in total. I was glad that i wasn't under anywhere, though. It's better than being completely under in seconds and having to do an emergency reshoot. I wanted to piece things together in a quick and easy fashion this time around. As it turns out, it fit surprisingly well! I ended up getting everything mapped fairly quickly. I decided that i wanted some effects, but then in the middle decided to stop. I was steering away from my own purpose from the ad, to get people to buy sprite! Effects would take a lot of the attention away from the sprite, so i decided not to. The editing went smoothly, though. I did a lot of fades, but i figured in some instances cuts would be enough. Overall, it was fun to edit and experiment with things. I tried a lot of new things, like cuts and shots, that i had never tried before. I plan on going more in-depth with editing, and finding things that work, without taking away the overall impression. I want to experiment more with zooms, and slow motion.

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WIllow's Walk: The Film

Here it is! I had so much fun making this film and I hope to have more opportunities to do this in the future!