Thursday, February 17, 2022

Title Design websites

The second site I'll be reviewing is Art Of The Title. This one looks more complex than the first one, but it has much more organization in return. It has title sequences available easily, as it should be able to. The thing that diffrientiates this site is that it also shows the various designers and studios that works on these titles. It manages to be simple and effective, albeit a little more complex. There are more emphasis on colors, though the black coloring is the same. This site does its job, while emphasizing the complexity of it all. I think this site also does it's job well in the use, so it would be a good idea to use it. I don't see any issues with the site, it offers me a view of the title, as well as who was involved in the creation of the title, and it seems to offer more things on the side. Other sites seem a bit bloated but this one does it's job well!

This site is Watch The Titles I'm using this site because it has a really good, simple layout regarding titles. It gives me a proper idea of what the titles are, aand even the colors help show it. It's as it says, to watch the titles and the titles alone. The color is really just a black and grey tinge, nothing too wild. This gives us a clear, open idea without having to do too much to see the titles. It even has the images of the movies to give us an idea of what we're looking at.It also has them organized and laid out in a basic, effective way in order for people to find them easily. There are many sections as well regarding different mediums of film. The site as a whole is very simple yet effective in it's presentation, but seems like it has a lot to offer under the surface. I think this site would end up being very useful to me due to these facts. It has the simplicity to be understandable, but also manages to show a good expression of the films it hosts on the site through it.

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WIllow's Walk: The Film

Here it is! I had so much fun making this film and I hope to have more opportunities to do this in the future!